AI-based arrhythmia analysis from just an ECG.
accurately maps
Atrial Fibrillation &
Six other Arrhythmias
For Use in the Current
Procedural Workflow
From Non-invasive,
ECG Mapping
Addressing a Global Health Crisis
We are advancing care for arrhythmia patients by unlocking insights contained in a standard ECG. vMap is an AI-based arrhythmia analysis tool, created to improve cardiac ablation outcomes, optimize workflows and increase procedural efficiency.
Cardiac arrhythmias cause 10% of global deaths and over 25% of adults over 40 will develop a serious arrhythmia. Untreated arrhythmias not only raise the risk of death but are also associated with serious co-morbidities such as stroke and dementia.

FDA-indicated for 7 Arrhythmias & 2 Pacing Types
vMap is FDA cleared for use on the following arrhythmias: atrial and ventricular: tachycardia, fibrillation, pacing, premature complexes (PACs and PVCs); and orthodromic atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia.
REFERENCES: *Data on file